Entrenamiento en casa, 8 Junio 2020


Every minute for 10-20 minutes of:

  1. 45” Run in place (Video)
  2. 45” Overhead Odd-Object Hold (Video)
  3. 45” Good Mornings (Video)
  4. 45” Superman (Video)
  5. 45” Up-Down (Video)


  • Tabata Double-unders o Single-unders (Video1) (Video2)
    • Rest 1 min
  • Tabata Dumbbell Deadlift (Video)
    • Rest 1 min
  • Tabata Dumbbell Floor Press (Video)
    • Rest 1 min
  • Tabata Tuck Jump (Video)

The Tabata interval is 20 secs of work followed by 10 secs of rest for 8 intervals. Tabata score is the total reps performed in all of the intervals.

Quien tiene dolor en el hombro en el Floor Press puede cambiar por Push-ups sin dolor y/o reducir el rango de movimento.

Metcon sin material

  • Tabata Jumping Jack (Video)
    • Rest 1 min
  • Tabata Goodmornings (Video)
    • Rest 1 min
  • Tabata Push-ups (Video1) (Video2)
    • Rest 1 min
  • Tabata Jumping Air Squat (Video)

The Tabata interval is 20 secs of work followed by 10 secs of rest for 8 intervals. Tabata score is the total reps performed in all of the intervals.

más entrenamientos

sigue explorando


FUERZA DIA 1 VELOCIDAD-FUERZA Cada 2:00, durante 8:00 3 Power clean & Jerk @aumentando carga Descansar 3:00 Cada 1:00, durante 16:00, alternar entre: a) 4