Warm up
Every minute for 10-20 minutes of:
- 45” Step & Reach (Video)
- 45” Dips (Video)
- 45” Frontal Plank Hold (Video)
- 45” Down-Dog to Pigeon (Video)
- 45” Single Leg Glute Bridge (Video)
As many reps as possible in 12 mins, a ladder (1-2-3-4-5-6-7-…) of:
- 1 Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift
- 1 Dumbbell Floor Press
- 2 Dumbbell Sumo Deadlifts
- 2 Dumbbell Floor Press
- 3 Dumbbell Sumo Deadlifts
- 3 Dumbbell Floor Press
- … Continue adding 1 rep each round to each movement until time expires.